Trump want supporters to vote twice for him

President Donald Trump suggested to his supporters on Friday night that if they vote by mail they should also attempt to vote in person as a way to check that their vote is counted, which risks causing chaos at the polls and undermining confidence in the election
Voting twice is illegal, and voting experts and state election supervisors warned it could put voters at risk of committing fraud.
Election officials and voting experts agreed that an individual’s ballot is unlikely to be counted twice, but most condemned Trump’s attempts to goad supporters into trying.
Many states use bar-coded tracking systems or other markings on ballots to show whether someone has already voted by mail. That would prevent the individual from voting again at the polls. In some states, a mail-in vote would be discarded if it arrived after the person had voted at a polling station.
But officials don’t want a glut of people at polling sites trying to test the system, or adding delays and possible disputes at polling places already stressed as officials try to protect volunteer election workers and voters in the pandemic.
Oh my god